Get Yourself Elected!

Campaign Power Tools for Today's Digital World

Want to Beat Your Opponent with Points To Spare? Here’s How: Employ Campaign Power Tools Your Opponent Doesn’t Know About — Tested and Proven to Super-Charge Any Political Campaign!


Your Dynamic Campaign Website

Your political campaign website is the centerpiece of your real-world and online marketing effort, because ALL your activities — from yardsigns to online videos to automated telephone campaigns — come back again and again to your online presence. Because this is the place you introduce yourself and tell your story. CLICK HERE

Custom Videos

How many people have read a book today? And how many people watched television? The fact is clear: People hugely prefer watching video. The flickering light from video actually releases a ‘feel good’ brain chemical called dopamine, and produces mild conditioning, like a light hypnotic trance. So what’s the BEST WAY to present your stand on the issues? No question. It’s video. And now you can … CLICK HERE

Advanced Social Media

Many people were surprised to discover that Social Media has become the Name of the Political Game. But even more people still have no clue that it has happened. The King of social media has become Facebook, with over 1.6 billion folks, and a billion of them log in every day! In fact, it’s the number two biggest online destination, right behind Google. So where do you … CLICK HERE

Super-Targeted Ads

With newspapers, radio, and television, shotgun-style advertising in a geographic region is possible. And for people with a specific interest — knitting, archery, home décor — special-focus magazines work well for niche advertisers. But never before could we specify a geo-location, down almost to a single neighborhood … and at the same time specify age, gender, and interests of the people who see the advertisement. And now we … CLICK HERE

What the Candidates Say

The very best information is your own experience, and that means it’s wise to avail yourself — if you qualify — for our free “Power-Up” Campaign Roadmap Analysis, and we would add that hearing first hand the experience of other real-life candidates can be very useful, such an immense help to evaluate how well these dynamic power tools can be used to overwhelm your opponent. So to hear what they say … CLICK HERE

Free “Power-Up” Campaign Roadmap

How would you like to own a toolbox of campaign power tools to massively extend your reach? How would you like to leave your opponent in the dust? Because now you can. We would love to speak with you — and if your campaign qualifies — to schedule a  “power-up” campaign analysis to see how much these digital methods can multiply your votes. Here’s … CLICK HERE

Over thirty-three years I’ve had Arthur Cronos help me with websites, brochures, slogans and taglines, letters and emails. When I need help with copywriting, Arthur is my first choice. He’s never let me down.

Robert Christoph, Lewiston, CA

Though there's more yet to be done in my campaign, I'm delighted with getting a professional, functional website online quickly!

Bill Hunker, Candidate for Josephine County Commissioner

The first striking thing about working with Arthur is that it is so much fun. And because he has a completely original viewpoint, on first glance the thinking seems outside the box, but on closer inspection it makes perfect sense.

Keerthy Sunder, M.D., La Jolla, CA

I wanted to express the party's appreciation of your assistance. Especially useful was your ability to guide our group in setting priorities, and the design is aesthetic and solid. Thank y ou!

Ken Fawcett, Jackson County Republican Party Chairman

I think the process as a whole is outstanding. Here’s an opportunity to blend old and new. With the explosion of the internet and social media, this helps to do it at a greater pace. And there we are. I think the process itself is nothing short of genius.

Eric Spiers, Flagstaff, AZ

I employed Arthur to create 5 videos for my website and Facebook. I consider it money well spent, and would recommend any candidate consider hiring him to increase voter awareness about your campaign.

David Arrasmith, Candidate for Jackson County Assessor

I just really enjoy working with you and the way you give a step-by-step process is something that I have always been looking forward to do and I think that’s really a key element.

Edmond Cariolagian, Glendale, CA

Thanks for the quick action, the video, the advice, and for generating prime-time news items to help me launch my Oregon House of Representatives campaign!

Steve Richie, Candidate for Oregon House of Representatives
Arthur Cronos Digital Marketing Expert

Arthur Cronos
Digital Marketing Expert


Once upon a time, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s radio ‘Fireside Chats’ transformed political community-building on a national level. And then the 1960 television debates between Kennedy and Nixon revolutionized political reach, and established video as the most powerful political medium, which remains so to this day.

The New Political Revolution: Digital Campaigning

Internet power is increasing. In 2008, Barak Obama became the first candidate to employ Social Media to win office, and in 2012 Hillary Clinton’s team successfully raised 90% of their campaign funding through list-segmentation and email. In recent years, our own candidate clients have seen notable success, winning seats by using these same digital campaign methods.

Not Just for the “Big Boys”

Because at last, local and regional and state candidates can reap the huge benefits enabled by digital power tools in their effective, successful campaigns. And so can you. Plus, most of your opponents know NOTHING about this. And that means … if you want to out-race your opponents … let’s talk.

CLICK HERE to request a Free ‘Power-Up’ Campaign Roadmap, and let’s see how much we can increase YOUR reach, to power-up YOUR campaign!

Want to Beat Your Opponent with Points To Spare? Here’s How: Employ Campaign Power Tools Your Opponent Doesn’t Know About — Tested and Proven to Super-Charge Any Political Campaign!