In the physical universe, you need to get people coming in through the door. That’s Visitors. And in the online universe, you need people coming to your location, which is usually your website.
There are two ways to get Visitors to your site. Many people overlook the first one:
- Send them there. You send people to your website.
. - Get Google and search engines to send searchers to your website.
Have you ever given a talk? Did you send them to your website?
Probably you did. You don’t have to rely on anybody. You don’t need no Google. You can send them there yourself.
Now, here’s something I’ve sometimes overlooked when I’ve given talks. Sometimes, I didn’t give them a reason for going to my website. Sure, I told them the website. But not WHY they should go there. I didn’t spell out the benefit awaiting them there. Here’s an example —
For example, I can tell you about an earlier website I used: But do you know that when you go to this website all you have to do is put in your email and you will get a 17-lesson online marketing course?
So when you give a talk, give them a reason for going to your website as well as the website address. Sell them on going to your website. Arrange so there’s something in it for them, when they go.
Sending People to your Website
For starters, your domain name should be on every piece of paper you have, such as business cards, brochures, any Yellow Page ads, radio ads, cash register receipts, the credit-card notation that appears on their statement, your store window if you have a physical store, anything and everything you have. Every communication line you have should contain your website address, and try to give a reason for someone to go there.
Example: Say I have a therapy site. Would you like to know more about how the unconscious mind works? How it is created? How you can begin to start a conversation with your own unconscious mind simply and easily?
You can have a free 85-page ebook that explains it all.
Just go to ?
Get Google and Search Engines to Send People to your Website
The second way of building Visitors is getting search engines to send people to you.
There are all kinds of gimmicks and geegaws and real systems and phony systems out there to do this. This is a big subject but here are the basics —
Matt Cutts is a PR guy for Google and he’s the one that the best information comes from. Sort of.
Not long ago he said that sixty percent of Google’s rating comes from … backlinks. Now … he says something different.
Before that … it was something else.
Search Marketing Gimmicks Don’t Work for Long
It’s a moving target, although in fact some basics have remained the same. 99% of the so-called search marketing (SEM) experts don’t seem to actually know the basics. Many of them have over the years relied on gimmicks, and droves of them have run screaming from the business, because the gimmicks — trying to take shortcuts to trick Google — just don’t work over time. In fact, some of these gimmicks, found out, can get a website completely removed from search results … meaning the website vanishes completely!
The key point for a business owner to take away from this short discussion is that Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, and YouTube (on which millions of people search every week), all of these can work very powerfully to bring you business. And also be aware that appearing nicely is a moving target. It can take time to get results, and later you can also lose ground, depending upon your business, your competition, and upon Google’s latest method to choose websites. And if you’ve used trickery, your search position may be wiped out.
Maybe you think it should be easier. Doesn’t matter. Is that how it is? Darn skippy it is.
So we just have to accept: That’s how it works. These days, amateur and simple methods will no longer work. There are many factors, and it takes a large amount of specialized knowledge which changes now and then. So as a practical matter, it’s a job to outsource to experts.
[This article adapted from the book “Get Endless New Clients,” a two-time Amazon best-seller of 300 pages written by Arthur Cronos (lead-generation specialist with For a complete description of the book, and to read inner pages, click this link — “How to Get Endless New Clients, on Amazon”]