Advanced Social Media

Building a Powerful Tribe of Fans from Voters

Want to Beat Your Opponent with Points To Spare? Here’s How: Employ Campaign Power Tools Your Opponent Doesn’t Know About — Tested and Proven to Super-Charge Any Political Campaign!


Your Online Campaign Machine

Advanced Social-Media

Many people were surprised to discover that Social Media has become the Name of the Political Game. But even more people still have no clue that it has happened. The King of social media has become Facebook, with over 1.6 billion folks, and a billion of them log in every day! In fact, it’s the number two biggest online destination, right behind Google.

Not Just a Campaign Page and Paying to “Boost” a Post

That simple-minded approach is just too weak. Sure, it’s easy to do, but frankly the average campaign page has far too-few followers.
Those people are already
in your corner. And paying to “boost” a post is a shotgun approach that can backfire, annoying your opponents’ followers, and making more of them turn out to vote against you.

Instead, what we are gye-pullquote-not-your-basic-fanpage-and-boost-the-postrecommending — using Advanced Social Media methods — is far more detailed and targeted, providing greater reach and lower cost, and we would add that the issue isn’t blindly throwing money to reach random facebook visitors, but rather two far more powerful approaches —

  • to selectively reach out with a customized message to specific, targeted voters, and
  • to create an on-going 24-hour online town hall for your devoted fans.

And that’s what we’d like to discuss with you. But since we can make your outreach into a cost-effective, super-selective presentation of the important issues to new voters who are persuadable, we’ll come back to that, and first let’s consider the raw power of Facebook, when handled the right way …

So Where Will You Find Your Voters?

No surprise. You’ll find them on Facebook. No longer the province of teenagers, voting adults from 21 to 99 are on Facebook every day. So where is the absolute BEST #1 place to build a community? Facebook. Where is the absolute BEST #1 place for your political ads, your digital yardsigns, your political videos to appear? No surprise. It’s on Facebook.

gye-pullquote-it-has-no-equalAs an advertising and broadcasting channel — in skilled hands — it has no equal,
because specific data targeting it makes possible. You can select voters by age, gender, geo-location down to the neighborhood, income level, just folks who have NOT liked your opponent, how conservative or how liberal, by occupation, and so much more. Television’s big bucks from inefficient shotgun broadcasting is no match for the low-cost targeted Facebook broadcasting.

We can even take everyone in your email list, or everyone who visits your website, or all the ‘super-voters’ from your party’s headquarters, and we can show special ads only to them. Targeted digital yard sign indeed. Targeted digital canvassing indeed.

These outreach ads can be single-issue ads, targeted videos. Elders can see an issue they find most important, and young marrieds can see a different issue important to their lives. There is just no comparison.

Build an Active, Engaged Community with Your Own Discussion Group

gye-pullquote-facebook-town-hallIt’s like a Town Hall, an ongoing round-the-clock discussion with your constituents, drawing new voters day after day. Online on Facebook. They see your videos. They hear about your events. They ask their questions. It’s the most amazing community-building campaign phenomena since television.

Best of all … by and large, your opponents know nothing about it, they can’t do it, they don’t know how. Oh, they’d like to be like the “big boys,” but they just don’t know how.

Fundraising Today: What Works Best?

Did you know that in 2012, 90% of Hillary Clinton’s fundraising was accomplished through email? They sent 294 emails, and these were sent twice a day. (These didn’t annoy people because her list was deeply segmented by these same factors.) You don’t have to be a Hillary fan to realize that this is IMPORTANT information about what works today.

And today, we can use this kind of segmentation on Social Media, driving voters to your website, your videos, your specific digital yardsigns, and capture them into your own segmented email list. Just imagine your campaign now able to find and captivate voters on Facebook, and channel that precious information into expanded fundraising?

Can it be done at the local, regional, and state level? Yes. Now, it can.

Want to Beat Your Opponent with Points To Spare? Here’s How: Employ Campaign Power Tools Your Opponent Doesn’t Know About — Tested and Proven to Super-Charge Any Political Campaign!