Custom Videos

Multiply Your Message a Thousand Times Over

Want to Beat Your Opponent with Points To Spare? Here’s How: Employ Campaign Power Tools Your Opponent Doesn’t Know About — Tested and Proven to Super-Charge Any Political Campaign!


Your Online Campaign Machine

Custom Videos

How many people sat down to read a book today? And how many people watched television? The fact is clear: People hugely prefer watching video. The flickering light from video actually releases a ‘feel good’ brain chemical called dopamine, and produces mild conditioning, much like a light hypnotic trance. So what’s the absolute BEST WAY to present your stand on essential issues? No question. It’s video.

As of 1960, national politics was dominated by the televisions in 52 million homes, and video is still the most powerful advertising medium used by sophisticated and funded candidates in the “big boy” races. And now — at last! — you can harness this same power.

Here’s an example “Introduction” video. We would present this on a candidate’s website, as well as on YouTube and in social media ads especially targeted to reach just the demographic you want to reach —

And do we need the huge budgets, hollywood studios, professional speech-writers and spin-doctors? No! And that’s the good news for your local, regional, or state campaign. Do we need to pay gazillions of dollars to television networks? Not at all, now that we have websites, emailing power, blog posts, youtube channels, and social media … because we can broadcast on all of these affordable, and super-targeted channels to reach exactly the voters we need to reach.


A “Single Issue” Video

This is a “Single Issue” video. Often, having a separate short video for each issue is preferable, because it means you can drip-feed them one by one, announcing each one on website, blog, facebook page, facebook group, email blast and more. This gives you more frequent views and more overall voter engagement. And if desired you can broadcast the video on Facebook to targeted constituents, for example a “womens issue” to females only.


A “Multiple Issues” Video

The alternative is a short video where the candidate covers several issues. The video is still short and to the point, and works well to define the candidate’s “most important” positions …

And more good news. By and large, your competitors don’t know how to do this. They either don’t do it, or they do it badly. All that can change. You are about to be pleasantly surprised at the power, the almost-hypnotic influence, the ability to target your geo-location, gender, age, and so much more, and the ease and affordability of video today.

Essential Videos for Your Campaign

  • An “Introduction” Video (where you introduce yourself) like the one above
  • A Single-Issue Video (only 30 to 60 seconds, focused on ONE issue)
  • Another Single-Issue Video
  • And Yet Another Single-Issue Video
  • Until You Have Covered the Issues Most Important to Your Voters

Do we post them all on your website? Yes .. but not at once. We post each one on the website, then announce it to voters on your email list, then add it to your YouTube channel, then place it into your Facebook Page, then add it into your Facebook Group for discussion, and the list goes on. And after we’ve achieved maximum mileage, broadcast coverage, and voter influence … we release the next video. On and on. You get the picture. And so do your voters.

Getting More Votes With Video

In one week before the primary, one of our candidates managed to speak to his constituents for 277 hours. (*Note that there are only 168 hours in a week.)

So how did he do that? With his videos! In fact, from the first of the month until election day in his state on the 24th, he accrued 53,877 video views. They were seen by 35,279 voters, meaning that each voter watched at least 1.5 videos.

How much do you imagine it will help YOUR campaign to have 35,000 voters watching YOUR videos? And do you see why it’s best to have a goodly number of single-issue videos. We’ve gone way beyond name-recognition here. Finally, your constituents will actually know what you stand for!

With the Online Campaign Machine, we don’t stop using tried-and-true devices like events, yardsigns, palmcards, buttons, or phone-trees. We just double-down with powerful online digital methods your opponents just don’t know about!

Want to Beat Your Opponent with Points To Spare? Here’s How: Employ Campaign Power Tools Your Opponent Doesn’t Know About — Tested and Proven to Super-Charge Any Political Campaign!